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Such Sharp Teeth

Publisher: Berkley Books

Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison tells the tale of Aurora "Rory" Morris, a successful businesswoman living in Manhattan who returns to her small hometown to take care of her pregnant twin, Scarlett, recently estranged from her long term boyfriend and the baby's father, Matty. What could have been a very dull twinternity leave gets very interesting quite early in her extended visit.

While out for a drink, she runs into a close friend from high school, Ian Pedretti. In truth, Ian has been crushing on Rory since they were 13, but she never thought much of him until now. He's definitely had his glow up. They part ways with promises to get together, and in her distraction while heading home, Rory hits something with her car. When she gets out to investigate, she is viciously attacked by something and in a blur of fur, teeth, blood and pain, she blacks out fearing she is taking her last breath.

The next day in the hospital, she's exhausted, but apparently not injured too badly, although that can't be right. But her best friend Ash's husband, Seth, is a doctor and says she must have tangled with a bear and luckily escaped. This is definitely not what Rory remembers, though. Long story short, she was bitten by a werewolf and when her body starts doing weird things, it's just not cool.

Whether its the never-healing wound on her side where the thing bit her that sometimes oozes silvery blood, her super keen sense of smell, her ravenous desire for meat, or the pesky fur that sometimes peeks out of a cut, Rory had better get used to this new life, even if it means that every time she looks in the mirror, she see a hideous wolf-like creature staring at her from behind her normal reflection. Fun times. Once that first full moon arrives, it's clear this werewolf thing is not a fleeting occurrence, and the internet doesn't help much with the hope of a cure.

While this is going on, Scarlett and Rory's mother comes for a visit, with the impending birth and all, and Rory hasn't gotten along with her mom in quite some time, so she's none too excited. She'll need to bite her tongue more than a few times, if only for Scarlett's sake, but Rory has plenty of unresolved feelings about something that happened with her Mom's boyfriend back when she was just a kid. It'd be nice to work out their differences before the new baby comes.

To complicate matters further, she finds herself falling for Ian and he is still clearly besotted with her, but can they make a relationship work with her new, umm, lifestyle?

Such Sharp Teeth is a brilliantly written story about Rory and her battles, both with her past and her present situations, and also with her inability to commit. It's witty, funny and a bit romantic, with a healthy dash of horror thrown in the mix. If you liked Rachel's Harrison's Cackle, you'll love Such Sharp Teeth! It's a fun, fast read and highly recommended.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins

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