In a move designed to recall Resident Evil 4, Umbrella Corps uses an over-the-shoulder camera. As much as I enjoy the view in single-player games, it doesn’t work for a multiplayer shooter, especially when the hulking player-character takes up nearly a third of the screen real estate. For a game where you need to see as much of your surroundings as possible, I can’t see the logic in dedicating so much screen space to my character. The suite of small customization options is a fun way to set yourself apart from other mercenaries on the field. At the same time, just because I dress my solider up with a few patches, it doesn’t mean I want to see them up close.
The rest of the presentation is weak at best. Gunfire is as underpowered as the weapons producing the sounds, and the music non-existent. Or, at the very least, leaves no impression at all. Even the groans and moans of the undead are really more of a whimper from a wounded animal.