The story goes in
Digimon All-Star Rumble that the Digimon have finally achieved peace. But at what price? The Digimon languish in the boredom of peace, unable to improve themselves or Digivolve. The only way to Digivolve is to battle, and with no battle, they remain shells of themselves. Truly no Digimon could be asked to endure this hell, so they do the only sane thing and start a tournament called the Digital Monster Evolution Tournament so they can begin fighting each other. So maybe I’m exaggerating here. Ok, yes, I’m
definitely embellishing with my dark sense of humor here, but the story basically amounts to as much. The Digimon get bored, they set up the tournament to train, and you go from there. There’s a slight twist at the end, but I won’t give it away.
You’ll get to eventually unlock and play as 12 different Digimon (familiar to fans of the series) including Gatoman, Gabumon, Gomamon, Dorulumon, and Shoutmon. For those not familiar with the series, I can’t describe any overall theme to these creatures. They range from dinosaur to seal to kitten in appearance. Their first form in no way indicates what their final form will look like either. The cute kitty Gatoman turns into a six-winged, female battle angel, for example.
In Story Mode, you’ll battle it out with lesser enemies until you reach another Digimon, which starts a tournament battle. Several battle modes can then ensue, including a Flag battle, Survival battle, or Point battle, to name a few. These are all pretty straightforward, with Survival battle being kind of a Deathmatch, and Flag battle being a competition to see who can hold on to the flag for the longest.
DigiCards can be found along the way, which can be equipped to strengthen your offense and defense skills. These are pretty simple, with cards helping you gain health back, or gain powerful offensive abilities during a fight, for example. You can save up to buy new cards as well, giving players a reason to repeat the Story Mode several times. Beating the game will also unlock a Switch Digivolve option for your character (and sometimes multiple characters). This ability allows you to evolve into a Legendary Digimon instead of your normal evolution. These Legendaries are usually a lot cooler looking than the others, though I can’t say they handle much differently.
A Training Mode is available as well, which is just what it sounds like. You can beat up on a target character in order to practice moves. The other option is Battle Mode, which allows you to play with up to 4 people in a versus arena style battle.