Statue of Liberty: The Lost Symbol is all tapping to pick up objects or sliding objects about to complete puzzles, but they did have a unique mechanic - the use of special goggles. Since there were a lot of projectors around the island using holographic images as a means of guiding tourists, you'll often see projectors tossed about in hidden object scenes. Eventually, you will obtain some goggles that when tapped to turn on, allow you to see things you couldn't previously see. Once you have the goggles, you will then have a group of four objects, all colored blue in the list of needed items in your hidden object scenes. You can only see the items with the goggles turned on, so it's a matter of tapping the goggles on and off and letting your eyes look for changes in the scene. I did enjoy these parts of the hidden object scenes because they offered something different, but later in the game, I noticed that I could see some of the objects without using the goggles, only I couldn't pick them up. When I turned on the goggles and off again, then they'd disappear and only reappear when the goggles were on. This is a bug that was really annoying because the objects in the list don't turn blue until you have the goggles on, so I'd simply be tapping on an object I knew was in the list and I couldn't pick it up.
Probably the most upsetting thing to happen was when I beat the game and the final video showed up. I read the initial dialogue and tapped to progress to the next page and it skipped the rest of the video! I then opened my game profile again, since I was brought back to the Menu screen, only to find the game had started me back at the beginning and there was no way to either start at the last checkpoint or view any of the game's unlocked videos or anything like that. Having worked my way through the entire game, only to be cheated out of seeing the ending by a simple tap that I had been using the entire game to progress through dialogue was really frustrating and quite a letdown.
Overall, I find it hard to recommend Statue of Liberty: The Lost Symbol unless you are really looking for a game that will teach you all about the famed statue. While there were some unique puzzles and I enjoyed the fact that the story incorporated Tesla and his amazing inventions, I just didn't love the game and working all the way through it only to be cheated out of the ending really sealed the deal for me.