Probably not. Over the last several years, the PSP has proven that it is capable of some pretty stellar visual eye-candy. Even recent releases like The 3rd Birthday and Final Fantasy Dissidia flex the graphical power of PlayStation's portable machine fairly nicely, so it is quite a shame to see Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky has not aged well at all. The past seven years have not been kind to sprite-based RPG's, especially ones with a low budget. The isometric view feels quaint by today's lofty standards and while the cutesy anime sprites have been spruced up for a 2011 release, they still look blurry and muddy on the crisp LCD screen. The run-of-the-mill fantasy art style doesn't necessarily leave a lasting impression, but the poor sprite art is not doing the style any favors.
I feel like I should get this out of the way sooner rather than later, but Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is about as cookie-cutter as can be because it feels like "My first RPG." Even if you have only played one other Japanese RPG in the past, somehow Legend of Heroes will already feel familiar. I don't mean that negatively, per se, but it makes the task of reviewing the title that much harder when compared to every other competitor on the market.
Dry, but effective writing compliments the inconsistent voice acting, (voice acting which swings wildly from "solid" to "annoying anime tropes.") The soundtrack is serviceable, but it never stands out either. If the entire experience of Legend of Heroes were to be summed up in one word, that word would be "Meh."