The Powerpuff Girls: Learning Challenge 1: Mojo Jojo's Clone Zone, you need to stop Mojo Jojo from reeking more havoc, and to do that you need to collect blue, green and red memory chips from his evil robot clones.
Blossom takes to the rooftops to stop the clones with math. She and a Mojo Clone jump from satellite dish to satellite dish (with a number on each dish). At the top of the screen there is a math equation, which requires you to either fill in the number the equation equals or solve the (very basic) algebra question. You choose your answer by moving to a dish with the number you want on it and activating it. This will eventually trap the clone and give you a chip.
Bubbles takes to the streets as Mojo's Clones throw lettered trash all over the street. The Talking Dog tells you what word to spell, and as you spell out the words with the trash, you earn chips. Meanwhile, Buttercup flies around the area looking for hidden Mojos. You need to tell Buttercup which direction and how many squares to move across the map to find the clone whose position is described on a billboard.
Once you feel that you have gotten enough chips, you need to fly to Mojo's base and collect shapes that contain Chemical X. Then you use the chips as currency to choose and alter words to fit one of the code words needed to hack into Mojo's base.
The more times you play the games, the more involved they become. For example, the first time you face Mojo, the only thing you might need to change is the first or last letter or maybe the vowel (mind you, it starts off with three letter words). But later it involves changing tense or changing to a synonym or antonym.