The game looks great, even for a now obsolete gaming system. I think that this was both a testament to the design of the PS2 to last through the years and to the art of the game. As good as the graphics were during the game, the cut-scenes were exceptionally done and polished. I feel that a lot of game designers for kids' games give in to the fact that kids have higher suspension of disbelief and so kids will let far more slide by, and thus, so will designers. Here, I did not feel the same apathy in how the game looked artistically.
Of course with so many known characters, having plenty of sound bites and one liners is a must. Again, this is an area that can sometimes go overlooked as developers may feel that just one or two sound bites will do. The music is repetitive, but it is very transparent, and you will barely notice it until you really pay attention. The one liners may get just a little repetitive, but they are all perfectly within character.