When you have a game that looks as good as Serious Sam 2, you need some big top sound to go with the graphical showcase. Fret not, as the sound is blazingly good. The music is nerve-wracking yet action oriented. It changes when there is an enemy that sees you, which is good. The reason why you need to have the music is that the levels are so huge that sometimes you can only see an enemy if you have your sniper rifle scope all the way zoomed out on them. Thus it pays to have the patented bad guy music pumping to let you know that somewhere out there a bad guy lurks. Yes, the levels are that big, and they are still so pretty. After you listen to the music, you will appreciate that it's so fast paced as it really does its part to pump you up and enjoy the game.
The sound effects are also impressive rungs on the stepladder of sound. Sam's voice is real deep and testosterone influenced. There are times in the game where he must make these aided super jumps, and it's always funny to hear him pipe out 'weeeeeeeee!' as he's slung into the air. The guns sound great too, as the Civil War cannon will resound it's commanding presence with a rocking explosion while the Bonecracker saw will growl as it tears open the bad guys. Probably the part that impressed me most with the sound is that each of the creatures had almost a signature 'roar.' You could tell what you were going to come up against by what you heard around you. That's amazing, to have sound effects so well and real that you can attribute it to every creature in the game. If you heard mechanized walking and laser beams, well that would differentiate itself from if you heard an evil cackle and a chainsaw. Different enemies require different weapons, so it's good to know what you're up against.