When you load up
Flipper Critters, you have the options of Story Play, Fun Play, Load Game, High Scores, Options, and Credits. Story Play is the main "quest" mode in
Flipper Critters. In Story Mode, you play the adventures of Gawain "Tiger" Chesterton and his best friend, Bubba "Monkey" McManus. In their adventures, Monkey is rolled up into the pinball and Tiger is in control of the flippers. Tiger has to shoot Monkey around or off of obstacles to get down the right paths to meet up with various amusing characters, like Miranda of Mirandel Castle and Gruff "Billy" Goat.
Each area/town consists of several parts. You have to maneuver Monkey through each part to get to the next one. If Monkey gets past your flippers, he will fall down to the previous part. If you're at the first part, you get a ball out and lose a ball. You only have five balls to complete the game, so you have to be very careful! I would definitely recommend saving each time you get to a new town. That way, if you lose a ball or two, you can start that town over with however many you had when you saved. If you lose all five balls, it's game over and you have to start back at the very first area.
Fun Play has three different choices available, one by default and two unlockable. Unlocked as soon as you've played Story Mode is Pinball. In Pinball, you can play any of the story areas that you have gotten to. You do not need to have completed the area to have it available. The second choice is Mini-Games. There are three mini-games available to unlock in Flipper Critters: Flying Battle, Gravity, and Magic Bride. After you've unlocked any of these, the third choice you have is to play them Multi-player.