To compare PoPoLoCrois to Lunar is probably doing both a disservice. But PoPoLoCrois really does bring me back to a type of gaming that stressed substance over style. The interface in the game is clean and simple, with good character and monster design. There is a neat mix of magic and machines, and a big, wide world to explore. Rather than dissolve to battle screens, PoPoLoCrois favors the option to have monsters pop up right in the level and challenge your party.
The music is sugar-cane sweet and there are enough themes to keep you from getting bored quickly. The choice to have spells spoken during battle is kind of cool, but may get old after the umpteenth time. There isn't any other voiceover action, but there is plenty of dialogue as you explore towns and dungeons. Mostly, I liked the choice of weird monsters that aren't the usual blob of slime or toothy dragon.