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Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed

Score: 85%
ESRB: Mature
Publisher: Global Star Software
Developer: Hypnotix
Media: DVD/1
Players: 1 - 4 MultiTap / 1 - 2 Online
Genre: Sports/ Arcade/ Online

Graphics & Sound:

Graphically, the characters of Global Star Software's Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed look great. The believably, yet cartoony styles that the Outlaw franchise has developed work very well. However, the ball was dropped when it comes to the environments around the characters. Most are equivalent to PS1 graphics, at best, with washed out textures and very basic surroundings.

When it comes to audio, you'll get all of your standard sound fx and music (which is a pretty decent lineup). But we definitely can't forget the commentator. While his quotes can sometimes be quite funny, many are very lame and all get quite annoying because they are repeated all too often. Get some new material, buddy!


Rude is probably the best way to describe the Outlaw games, and Volleyball: Remixed is no exception. All aspects of the game cry "rude," from the annoying announcer to the characters' taunts and next-to-nothing bikinis. Remixed offers new modes of play (Baseball and Ping Pong) and a couple of new volleyball courts.

I'm a HUGE fan of 4-player arcade-style games of this type (volleyball, hockey, basketball, etc.), where you and three of your buds can hook it up and party the night away. The great thing about Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed is the ease of controlling your characters. Unfortunately, the worst thing about the game happens to be the same thing. As you jump into the fray, you may have a hard time learning to get to the right spots on defense. As you practice, however, you'll soon learn that the artificial intelligence will actually help you control your character, making it much easier to be in the right spot at the right time. Remember this, and Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed will become a very entertaining game.

All of the usuals of sand volleyball are here, and even though the actions of the characters are pretty over-the-top, the basic gameplay will please many types of fans. The rules of the game are authentic, but you'll have plenty of power-moves too. Also, you'll be able to go on tour and compete in a variety of events with different rules and guidelines before crowning yourself king of the court.


Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed actually has different difficulty settings to choose from, but any and all difficulty in sports titles will always come from the actual gameplay and how you adapt to the computer's AI. For single-player games, you'll not only have opponents to deal with, but also your computer-controlled partner. Surprisingly, your partner does a mostly-excellent job on both offense and defense, from digging out hard hits to spiking the ball into areas that will score.

Game Mechanics:

The controls for Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed are actually extremely simple, yet can take a while to get used to the timing (on defense). You'll really only use a few buttons (soft hit, hard hit, spike, etc.) and the D-pad/Analog Stick to control your player and where you aim. The hard part is that when you are on defense, you'll have to anticipate where the other team will aim, then time your button-press for the return. Press it too soon, and your character will attempt to set the ball. But if you press it just before the opponent hits the ball, your character will automatically move into the correct position and bump the ball.

Whether you enjoy more of a sports simulation or a crazy spin on the genre, the heart of Outlaw Volleyball: Remixed has a very nice (and basic) gameplay element to it. The fact that you can play 4-player matches using a PS2 MultiTap (only 2 players Online) is a great incentive to pick this title up. So kick back with a few beers and some friends, and play the night away.

-Woody, GameVortex Communications
AKA Shane Wodele

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