Looney Tunes Collector: Alert! is a cute little
Zelda-esque platformer that manages to avoid the fate of almost every franchise-based game in existence: it turns out to be fun. Infogrames has put out a happy little number with
LTCA, and it’s one that kept me amused for quite some time.
After a rather endearing intro movie featuring our favorite xenophobe, Marvin the Martian, you’re placed in the role of Bugs Bunny, about to leave on vacation. Needless to say, your plans go awry, and soon you’re busy searching for ten pieces of a transporter before Marvin can find them. Bugs is pretty limited in what he can do -- he can jump, and he can go into rabbit holes, and that’s about it. Soon after you pass the first few screens, however, you’ll be picking up some other Looney Tunes characters that will help you on your quest, from Elmer Fudd and his gun to Mot the alien baby (huh?) and his ability to move things with his mind. You may not recognize all of the characters, but I’m sure they were in some obscure short or another... yeah. Most of them you’ll recognize immediately, though, from Witch Hazel to the Road Runner. There are a lot more characters to gather than you can play as, and they pop up in a gallery inside the game.
The game itself plays relatively linearly, with you finding item X to get character Y who has ability Z to get past area Q. Fortunately, it’s a whole lot of fun, and the characters and areas never fail to amuse. You’ll find yourself using Bugs most of the time, switching to other characters when you need their unique abilities -- Witch Hazel flies over spikes and holes, Elmer Fudd blows up rocks, and so on. At times, the switching can border on tedious, but it never quite crosses that line.
The game is relatively large, but chances are you could beat it in one day of heavy play. You’ll also probably get most of the characters that you’re capable of getting, simply because they’re thrown in your path as you play. But a few may turn out to be rather elusive.