The year is 1337 and, due to his parentage, King Edward III of England contests the legitimacy of Philip VI's claim to the throne. Hostilities arise, which ultimately lead to what is called the Hundred Years War, which lasts until 1451. Four years later, in 1445, the House of York and the House of Lancaster (each represented by white or red rose) take part in a series of civil wars in a conflict referred to as the War of the Roses. Two Thrones gives you the chance to rule England during these rocky periods in British history. Although the game has great promise, the crown lacks luster.
Two Thrones looks about as nice as you could want for a 2D board game, but doesn't really push the envelope in any way. Picture a slightly more detailed version of Risk and you have a good idea of what to expect. What you see is really good though, with a nice, sharp palette and excellent animations. Everything featured in the game is also historically accurate (or as accurate as I've seen from the History Channel) and really fit the feeling of the game. I was, however, disappointed in the music, or lack thereof, in the game. There's really not all that much to listen for other than some trumpet flourishes, which lead me to cranking up the Lord of the Rings soundtracks just to give me some sort of music to listen to while exerting my supreme executive power.