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Fatal Attraction

Score: 82%
Rating: R
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: Blu-ray/1
Running Time: 119 Mins.
Genre: Suspense/Thriller
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, French
           Dolby Surround, Spanish Mono

Subtitles: English, English SDH, French,
           Spanish, Portuguese


  • Commentary by Director Adrian Lyne
  • Forever Fatal: Remembering Fatal Attraction - Cast & Crew Interviews
  • Social Attraction - The Cultural Phenomenon of Fatal Attraction
  • Visual Attraction – Behind-the-Scenes Production Featurette
  • Rehearsal Footage
  • Alternate Ending with an Introduction by Adrian Lyne HD
  • Theatrical Trailer - HD

"Are you discreet?" This is a line that I hope no one uses often. The outcome of the situation is never any good even if the answer is "yes" or "no." Affairs are a game played by adults and Fatal Attraction capitalizes on an adulterer's worst fear; What if she ruins your life?

Fatal Attraction is a story about an everyday lawyer, Dan Gallagher (Michael Douglas), who has a love affair with a psychotic seductress, Alex Forrest (Glenn Close). What Dan thought would be a guilt-free weekend turns into the worst nightmare of his life as Alex sinks to the bottom of depression and lashes out in order to hold on her new lover. Stalking, physical threats, and even exposing herself to his family, Alex has no boundary she is willing to cross to get what she wants.

This is the first time that I have ever seen Fatal Attraction and I was honestly impressed. The movie is as old as I am, being released in 1987, but I find that I can still relate to the movie 22 years later more than I thought I ever could. This is without a doubt a brutally honest depiction of sex and lies that every guy needs to see to scare them away from any tempting trysts. Glenn Close plays a wonderfully demented woman that most men are afraid they have dated or double-crossed. Even though Michael Douglas has committed the act of infidelity, he plays his role so well that you almost sympathize with him as you relate to him more and wish that his punishment would stop. Fatal Attraction has a fantastic cast and every role is played to near perfection.

It seems that any movie that is more than a decade old is essentially "ported" over to Blu-ray from its most recent release. Fatal Attraction on Blu-ray is a high-def version of its 2005 DVD re-release with all of the bonus features intact. The commentary and trailers are pretty standard nowadays, but it was nice to see the alternate ending and original rehearsal footage remastered in HD. There are also a few short documentaries about various tales of production of Fatal Attraction that I thought were quite interesting, if not a little bland and repetitive.

The only reason to own Fatal Attraction on Blu-ray is if you haven't yet bought it at all. It looks good in higher quality, but there isn't much to show off. Fatal Attraction is a great film that I think everyone needs to see, but I am not quite sold on the Blu-ray. There isn't enough extra to justify the extra money, but the movie is good enough to warrant at least a rental.

The one thing that Fatal Attraction does best is to caution people about the dangers of sex. The only thing worse than catching a disease or an unwanted pregnancy is knowing that the person you had an affair with is a certified psycho.

-HanChi, GameVortex Communications
AKA Matt Hanchey

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