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Shadow Wireless
Score: 85%
Developer: DreamGEAR
Device Type: Controller


The Shadow Wireless controller by dreamGEAR is a third-party controller for the Playstation 3. Designed with rubberized grips, enhanced L2 and R2 buttons and featuring 2.4 GHz latency free wireless, the manufacturers of the Shadow Wireless controller boast that it "sets a new standard for PS3 gaming."


When I first picked up the Shadow Wireless controller, I was immediately struck with how comfortable it was in my hands. Being a long-time Xbox 360 gamer, the repositioning of the layout by switching the D-pad and left thumbstick was instantly noticeable and preferable to the standard layout of the PS3 SIXAXIS controller. I was quite anxious to fire up the PS3 and see how this new comfort-level affected my gaming.

Immediately, I noticed that the rubberized grips made a huge difference, as did the slightly larger size. I tend to move around a lot while gaming, and I was no longer afraid of accidentally dropping or "slinging" the Shadow Wireless across the room while in the midst of a more heated battle or racing sequence. Another huge advantage was found when I used the improved L2 and R2 buttons. Not only are these buttons larger than the ones found on the SIXAXIS, they are also concave, preventing slippery fingers from sliding off of them during hasty use.

I did not notice any latency in regards to the wireless communication with the PS3. All of the button and movement commands I issued were correspondingly quick on the screen. Overall, I was well pleased with this controller. Is the Shadow Wireless truly the "new standard" of gaming on the PS3? Well, I wouldn't go that far, but, barring a few flaws (see below), this is a very good controller and will likely be my weapon of choice for much of my PS3 gaming.

  • Dual Rumble Motors
  • Enhanced L2 and R2 Buttons
  • Built-in Rechargeable Battery
  • Customized Analog Sticks
  • Rubberized Surface Texture
  • Includes Mini USB Charge Cable
  • 2.4 GHz latency free wireless

Drawbacks & Problems::

The Shadow Wireless is a very nice piece of hardware, but nothing is perfect. The most obvious problem with this controller is the lack of motion sensitivity. Many games on the PS3 make use of this feature, and this short-fall can really affect gameplay in some instances. Another bothersome oversight is that you cannot turn the machine on using the center button, as you can with the standard SIXAXIS controller.

While perhaps a bit nit-picky on my part, I found it annoying that the lights that indicate which controller position you are occupying (1, 2, 3 or 4), found on the front of the SIXAXIS controller, are not present on the Shadow Wireless. Lastly, and this is merely a preference, not necessarily a drawback, I prefer the four-button design of the D-pad on the SIXAXIS controller as opposed to the continuous D-pad found on the Shadow Wireless.

Considering I can find the SIXAXIS for around $45 on many websites, the price tag of $49.99 seems a bit steep for a third-party peripheral. If you can find one on sale, however, I highly recommend this controller for games in which motion-sensitivity is not required. It is durable and comfortable and, the above flaws not-withstanding, should prove a solid choice as a secondary controller.

-The Mung Bard, GameVortex Communications
AKA Buddy Ethridge

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