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PlayGear Mod
Score: 80%
Developer: Logitech
Device Type: Audio


If there's one thing I've learned as a PSP owner, its that a good set of headphones is a must -- especially when using the PSP's music and UMD functions. The system's speakers are decent, at least while playing a game, but falter while watching movies or listening to music. Logitech's PlayGear Mod headphones are one of the many headphone sets to come out for the PSP. While the set does an excellent job as earphones, comfort and portability issues keep it from being a "Must Buy Accessory."


I could start out by throwing out details like "30mm neodymium drivers" and "polycarbonate design", but does that really tell you much? All you really need to know is that the sound quality is great and construction is solid. While not indestructible (since I'm sure you could break them if you really wanted to), they stand up to the normal wear and tear of the road.

As expected, the sound quality is great for gaming, but really shines when listening to music. I had mixed experiences while watching UMDs, though this is likely an issue of the movie's sound quality and not the earphones.

  • 30mm Neodymium Drivers
  • Water Resistant Polycarbonate Material
  • Behind-the-Head Style
  • Optional Comfort Rings Included For Secure Fit
  • 2-Year Limited Warranty

Drawbacks & Problems::

Comfort is the PlayGear Mod's biggest drawback. Even looking at it in the box, I could tell this would be an issue. The headset is a single-piece design and isn't adjustable. Unless you have a really big head, the headset should work fine, but since you can't adjust the band, the headset feels loose and uncomfortable. A set of rings are included to hold the ear pieces in place, though these only add to the discomfort since you basically just have two pieces of plastic gripping to your ears.

The single-pieced design also doesn't do much for the PlayGear Mod's portability. Since you can't roll or fold them up in anyway, it's really hard to stow the earphones in your PSP case and go. While on a car trip, this probably wouldn't be as much of an issue, but anywhere else, it just seems like a problem and one more thing to worry about.

Overall, the PlayGear Mod is a good set of headphones as far as construction and sound quality go, which makes them a good purchase if those are your main concerns. If comfort and portability are slightly more important to you, then you may want to look elsewhere.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker

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