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Sport Port
Score: 100%
Developer: Mad Catz
Device Type: Accessory


I?ve never really been a big fan of third-party equipment. I?ve always bought (and usually paid more for) the first-party accessories because I knew I would have fewer problems with them. So I get a package in the mail, and after I open it, a blue MCSports Sport Port is staring back at me. I sigh and pick it up.

It feels solid and looks well built, so I decide to make this little unit beg for mercy. I call in the ?Big Guns.? On one Friday night, I called over three friends, ordered some pizza, stocked the refrigerator with lots of beer and soda, and let the mayhem begin. We started with Electronic Arts? excellent NBA Live 99 where I schooled all comers with Charles Barkley. ?You can respect me or you can not respect me. But nobody has the right to disrespect me!? God, I love Barkley.

From there we move swiftly to Midway?s NFL Blitz where I continued to lead the way with my beloved Washington Redskins. After my opponents stopped whining about me kicking their asses, we moved to a four-player fighting game. I don?t know if it was because it was so late in the evening, or maybe it was the booze talking (not everyone was drinking -- some people have to review this stuff), but the night exploded! We were having so much fun kicking back, playing cool games, and enjoying ourselves.


What can I say? The MCSports Sport Port worked beautifully. I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever. Mad Catz has begun to change my opinions about third-party hardware. If for any reason I encounter any problems with the Sport Port in the future, this review will be altered to reflect that. But I doubt that will ever happen. Check out the MCSports Sport Port. You?ll probably be glad you did.

  • Four controller ports
  • Four memory card ports
  • Easy to use

Drawbacks & Problems::

If I was to offer any mild criticisms about the Sport Port, it?s that I didn?t like that it was blue (which happens to be my favorite color). I feel it clashed with the gray PlayStation (I have been told that it is also available in gray. Mind you, the color issue is a personal aesthetic complaint and by no means reflects the quality of the product or the rating.)

-Glom, GameVortex Communications
AKA Pete Maher

Sony PSOne Sport Pad Sony PSOne Standard Controller

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