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PalmPad Junior
Score: 92%
Developer: Blaze
Device Type: Controller


The PalmPad Junior takes everything you?d expect to see in a dual analog controller and makes it... cute! This little controller is pretty tiny -- I can actually stick the thing in my pocket comfortably to carry it around. If you like playing games at your friend?s houses, but don?t like to depend on other people?s equipment, this controller is easy to ?take with you.? It takes a little getting used to due to its smaller size, but the controls are actually pretty good. Of particular interest are the unusually located lower shoulder buttons and the ?nubby? analog stick. With the small size of the PalmPad Junior, placing the shoulder buttons in the standard location would have felt strange. Blaze used a different location, further in beneath the controller, that really makes sense. If you hold something small, your hands wrap around it. At the point your fingers would normally rest, Blaze stuck the lower shoulder buttons. The analog stick is unique in that it has ?bumps? on it, adding a sort of texture that keeps the stick from slipping. This texture may bother some gamers after a while, but this can be substantially lessened by reducing the pressure used to push down on the analog stick while playing. Overall, the PalmPad Junior has some very nice control. I haven?t officially ranked it yet in the "Control Freaks" test, but preliminary tests show that the PalmPad Junior holds up very well indeed against other controllers.


While the shape?s a bit different and things are in different places, the whole general layout is not far from the standard analog controller layout. It may take a little bit of time to get used to the analog stick?s texture and the placement of the lower shoulder buttons, but not much. People with smaller hands should find the PalmPad Junior very comfortable. I have fairly large hands, but still found using the PalmPad Junior pretty good.

The Blaze PalmPad Junior is lighter than your average analog controller... and much smaller. It is built to be easy to take with you and also nicely compliments the diminutive size of the new PSOne. The PalmPad Junior won?t necessarily make you a better gamer, but you can expect to be able to get your best scores out of it just as easily as you could most other, full-sized analog controllers.

  • Compact design
  • Micro switched D-pad
  • Turbo fire function
  • Dual Shock compatible
  • Textured analog stick
  • Unique lower shoulder button placement
  • 6?3? cord

Drawbacks & Problems::

Having large hands, I find the PalmPad Junior a bit tiny. However, even so, I am able to get great control out of it. The only other thing to be wary of is the textured analog stick. The bumps in the plastic can irritate your thumb if you push down too hard or use it for an extended period of time.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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