So the ending of
Borderlands 2 revealed that there are Vaults all over the known universe. It also turns out that yet another one has been found on Pandora. Enter Mr. Torgue, a man whose six-inch voice is as loud as an airhorn. He pounces on the Vault, declares the surrounding area the "Badass Crater of Badassitude," and hosts a series of deathmatches to determine who is Pandora's Ultimate Badass.
With Mr. Torgue, Gearbox has gone all out. Here is a character who is incapable of not flipping out at literally everything that happens around him. He's so outrageously over-the-top that his company actually installed profanity-censoring hardware in him, rendering him impossible to drop any four-letter words without being bleeped over. All of this makes him one of the funniest characters in the Borderlands universe, and I so hope he returns in later installments.